1. In class behaviour:


  • Participate with ideas. Everybody has something interesting and meaningful to contribute.
  • Please be cooperative and helpful at all times.
  • Be punctual and avoid absences. The math class starts on time – always. If you are late, enter quietly and do not disturb the class. If you are late for a quiz or test, you will not be given extra time.
  •  Come prepared and bring your supplies to class: paper, pencils, a few coloured pencils or markers, eraser. A calculator will be required for some chapters.
  •  DO NOT WASTE TIME IN CLASS! Be ready to start when the bell rings. Whenever you are given time to work on questions in class, use that time effectively. Every minute you daydream in class is worth 15 minutes of studying later, on your own.
  • If you take notes, keep them neat and organized. Write down new words if necessary. Keep track of your questions as they emerge and ask for clarification ASAP.
  • Make good use of the individual whiteboard: this is how I see your work, so I can give you appropriate feedback.
  • Everyone must treat all members of the classroom with respect and consideration. Only one person talks at a time. Raise your hand rather than interrupt a classmate who is talking.
  • Students are asked to refrain from eating and drinking during class time. Water is ok.

2. Homework

  • Complete and check your homework every day - if possible, the day it is assigned. The longer you wait, the more you forget.  What you learn in class goes into short-term memory.  Practicing what you learn is the only way to move it to long-term memory.
  • We will spend the beginning of every class going over questions from homework, but we may not get to all of them! Ask for extra help as needed.
  • Make an honest effort to understand the problems: read, reread, make a diagram, translate into English – try various strategies to engage with the problem rather than giving up after 20 seconds and telling yourself that you don’t understand anyway.



3. Asking for help


  • Do not hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it.
  • There is no such thing as a stupid question. If you’re unclear about something, it’s very likely that at least 75% of your classmates are confused, too. You’re doing everyone a favour by raising your hand and asking for clarification J
  • Do not wait until the day before the test!  Help is available by appointment.
  •  Remember: Math is a building process, and in order to understand the next step you need to master the previous ones.




4. Studying for quizzes, tests, and exams


  •  Solve and check all the review questions.
  • Redo some of the harder homework questions. Redo the chapter quizzes and understand/correct all your mistakes.
  • Make a list of and learn from your mistakes. Make sure you do NOT repeat them.
  • Form a study group: not only will other students be able to help you with problems, but by helping others you will better learn the material. If you are unable teach a classmate a topic you believe you know, chances are you don't know that topic very well after all. If you can't teach it, you don't know it!
  • Simulate test conditions: After you have studied and think you know the material, practice it under test conditions. Solve unassigned homework problems and see if you can finish them in the allotted time for the exam – by yourself.




5. Retests: Retests are granted in the following situations only:


  • If a student’s percentage mark is less than 50% during I-report week or before the end of the term
  • If a student has improved his or her mark by 10% or more as compared to the previous test, then the student may rewrite the previous chapter test. Ex: student has 57% for chapter 3 test, and 67% for chapter 4 test, then the student may rewrite chapter 3 test.
  • A student may rewrite a maximum of one test per term.


Important: Students wishing to rewrite a test must demonstrate authentic and consistent effort to improve their performance in mathematics. Furthermore, they must also make a firm commitment to a time and date for the retest.



6. Absences:  The only valid excuses for missing a test are an illness, special family or health commitments, or a pre-approved field trip. Parents are asked to contact me by email or with a note immediately upon student’s return to the school.   If you miss a class, you are still responsible for the homework.  Contact a friend from school and/or check my website (math.praxis-software.com) Please note that assignments, quizzes or practice problems will not be provided in advance for students who take extended holidays during term time.




7. For success, keep a positive attitude: The consequences of math illiteracy will extend over your lifetime and may close many doors later in life. Do not let that happen to you!


    If you did poorly on a test or quiz, ask yourself why.  Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself:


  • Did I keep up with my homework?
  • Did I use class time effectively?
  • Did I get help when needed?
  • Did I follow the strategies outlined in Studying for quizzes, tests and exams?


Once you know the reason why you did poorly on a test or quiz (for instance, you didn’t do your homework), don’t fall into that trap again. 


Should concerns about a student’s performance or behaviour arise, his or her parents will be contacted, and an action plan will be put in place to help the student get back on track.


Bonne chance!                     


Mme Chiru